

The AIM Center of Biomedical Research Excellence Core Facility Center announces a Hybrid Open House Workshop!

Join us via zoom in the mornings for talks regarding usage of instruments in the AIM Core Facility as well as company representatives who will visit to give insight on additional equipment use and how to better take advantage of these


The AIM Center is in the process of forming a Council of International Rising Stars (COIRS) for junior investigator, comprised of promising junior investigators in the scientific areas of Autophagy, Inflammation and Metabolism. The intent is to engage international rising stars in AIM Center activities and provide networking for international talent at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Group Leader! Please stay tuned for more information!

Please send nominations or self-nominations to for consideration.

Expression of Interest

At this time, we are accepting an Expression of Interest (EOI) by prospective candidates. The Autophagy Inflammation and Metabolism Center (AIM) is planning to conduct periodic searches for competitive mentored PI (mPI) positions to be supported by the AIM P20 NIH award. 

Learn more



The AIM Center is in the process of forming a Council of International Rising Stars (COIRS) for junior investigator, comprised of promising junior investigators in the scientific areas of Autophagy...


We've released a short series of videos of the 2023 AIM center openhouse workshop. Follow the AIM center's channel as we develop science content!

Metabolism Corner


Augmented CD4+ T cell response in autoimmunity is characterized by extensive metabolic reprogramming. However, the epigenetic molecule that drives the metabolic adaptation of CD4+ T cells remains largely unknown. Here, we show that lysine acetyltransferase 6A (KAT6A), an epigenetic modulator that is...


Contrary to their well-known functions in nutrient breakdown, mitochondria are also important biosynthetic hubs and express an evolutionarily conserved mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis (mtFAS) pathway. mtFAS builds lipoic acid and longer saturated fatty acids, but its exact products, their...

At this time, we are accepting an Expression of Interest (EOI) by prospective candidates. The Autophagy Inflammation and Metabolism Center (AIM) is planning to conduct periodic searches for...